UNAB certifies 100% of its energy as clean of emissions
UNAB uses 56% of its energy from non-conventional renewable energies. The remaining 44% will be managed through a new energy efficiency plan and through I-REC certification, reaching 100% of the University’s campuses.
Clean Production Agreement and Strategy implementation
Beginning of the implementation of the UNAB sustainability strategy with a focus on 4 fundamental pillars of governance, culture, campus management and linkage with the environment.
Creation of the Sustainability Directorate
Creation of the Sustainability Directorate with the purpose of implementing UNAB’s Sustainability Strategy.
Carbon footprint and telework
Reduction of UNAB’s carbon footprint by 80% due to telework modality, as well as the reduction of water consumption by 48%.
New clinics, centers and positioning in ranking
Inauguration of the Viña del Mar Dental Clinic (May 2019).
Inauguration of the Veterinary Clinic at the Viña del Mar Campus.
The Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB) is created.
Internationality, linkages and new centers
UNAB achieved the second place in internationality and linkage with the environment at the level of the Chilean university system, according to the ranking of universities of the Revista Chilena América Economía.
The Linkage with the Environment Model is created.
The Outreach Policy was updated and the UNAB Outreach Model was created.
Learning laboratory
The Learning Laboratory (LAp) of the School of Education is born, an innovative project that aims to develop and install a space for pedagogical experimentation from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Advances in inclusion
The Directorate of Inclusive Education (DEI) was created, thanks to an Institutional Development Fund from the Ministry of Education, for a total of $156.9 million pesos.
Social Responsibility and Sustainability
The first institutional policy of linkage with the environment was created and the General Directorate of Linkage with the Environment was created, in charge of its implementation and evaluation.
University Clean Point, centers and clinics
The first University Clean Point was inaugurated, located at the República Campus and open to the community, with 12 points with a capacity to segregate 20 types of materials.
Sustainability Committee, YAN Chile and more
In 2011, a Sustainability Committee was created, composed of representatives of students, faculty and staff from the main departments of the University.
Year of commitments
During 2010, Universidad Andrés Bello is committed to the difficult task of transforming itself into a more sustainable organization.
Veterinary Medical Center
Inauguration of the Veterinary Medical Center in the Colina district, with more than 15 thousand square meters of infrastructure, where teaching and research are integrated.
Global pact and diploma courses
The Diploma in Job Skills, a socio-labor training program aimed at young people with special educational needs linked to a cognitive disability, is launched.
Creación de la Dirección de Sostenibilidad con la finalidad de implementar la Estrategia de Sostenibilidad de la UNAB.
Se actualiza la Política de Vinculación con el Medio, creándose el Modelo de Vinculación con el Medio UNAB que, entre otras cosas, identificó programas bidireccionales relevantes, los tipos de impactos internos (de cara a la docencia y la investigación) y los impactos externos relacionados al entorno relevante de la Institución.
Nace el Laboratorio de Aprendizaje (LAp) de la Escuela de Educación, un innovador proyecto que tiene como objetivo desarrollar e instalar un espacio de experimentación pedagógica desde una mirada interdisciplinaria.
Se inaugura el Centro Médico Veterinario en la comuna de Colina, que posee más de 15 mil metros cuadrados de infraestructura, donde se integra la docencia y la investigación.