Research for the SDGs

The University participates in various national and international networks that enable members of the university community to participate in the development of research that addresses the issues raised in the 2030 Agenda (SDGs) and in national public policies related to these matters.

Some examples are shown below:

Transportation and Logistics Center UNAB

Seeks to foster innovation and economic growth in the country through world-class research and training projects in transportation, logistics and value networks.

Research Center for Sustainability

It works in research and management for sustainable development, with the purpose of promoting interdisciplinary research on environmental sustainability and communicating it to the community.

Quintay Marine Research Center

Its objective is to develop research and technologies that promote innovations for the national aquaculture industry and contribute to the sustainable development of artisanal fishing and its fishery resources.

Faculty of Life Sciences

Its mission is to generate interdisciplinary knowledge at all levels of biological organization, from the molecular bases that sustain life to ecosystems, training professionals and graduates prepared for a globalized world in the life sciences.

Research Center for Sustainability

It works in research and management for sustainable development, with the purpose of promoting interdisciplinary research on environmental sustainability and communicating it to the community.

Quintay Marine Research Center

Its objective is to develop research and technologies that promote innovations for the national aquaculture industry and contribute to the sustainable development of artisanal fishing and its fishery resources.