The General Directorate of Outreach and Sustainability of Universidad Andrés Bello seeks to promote sustainability in its students, faculty and environment through actions that are framed in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Throughout its history, Universidad Andrés Bello has made an explicit commitment to the sustainable development of the institution through its teaching practices, research, environmental awareness and administrative operations, fostering in the university community and its surroundings a genuine interest in protecting the environment and contributing to the social development of the country.
At UNAB we understand sustainability as a collective construction through which humanity aspires to the possibility that human beings and other forms of life will thrive on the planet forever.
We are convinced that our University, its collaborators, academics and students have the tools to lead this way.
Héctor Hidalgo
Ing. Civil Engineer in Computer Science USM, MBA at UAI, Master of Science in Computer Engineering USM and Diploma in IES Management at PUC Chile.
General Director of Environmental Outreach and Sustainability
Romina Reyes
Biochemical Civil Engineering PUCV, MBA from UDD and diploma in gender perspective PUCV. Climate change mitigation specialist with vast experience in the design and implementation of environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and climate change mitigation projects in Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Director of Sustainability UNAB
Michel Mardones
Environmental Engineer from Universidad Andrés Bello with a major in waste management and a diploma in strategic environmental assessment and territorial planning from UNAB.
Sustainability Analyst UNAB