The objective of the General Direction of Outreach and Sustainability of Universidad Andrés Bello is to develop a set of systematic and permanent activities that allow the university to establish sustainable relationships with its community and its environment, promoting Culture, the dissemination of Knowledge, Research and Social Responsibility, to enrich the educational process of its students, contributing to an inclusive educational experience of excellence for a global world.
At UNAB, we understand Sustainable Development within the framework of the United Nations 2015-2030 agenda that establishes 17 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) to eradicate poverty, promote prosperity and well-being for all, protect the environment and address climate change globally.
The management reports are the main documents for consultation on the relevant programs and the results of the Universidad Andrés Bello’s Outreach activities. They are published in the first half of each year. In this section you will be able to consult the files for each period and review them in digital paper format.
Contribution to Agenda 2030 Specialized Units and Permanent Programs: In 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was established, which seeks to address the major global problems perceived today through 17 sustainable development goals, which establish specific problems and goals to be met to solve them.
In this context, Universidad Andrés Bello, through its role as an educational institution, seeks to involve the community and all the departments that make up the university in actions aimed at sustainable development objectives.
To this end, the university establishes units aimed entirely at achieving these goals, such as the Global Compact, interacts with other educational, civil, public and private institutions to collaborate on SDGs, and educates its faculty, students and employees on the topics established by the agenda.
Universidad Andrés Bello ranked second among Chilean universities in the Times Higher Education impact ranking.
Universidad Andrés Bello ranked first among Chilean universities in the Times Higher Education impact ranking.
UNAB achieves second place in internationality and linkage with the environment at the level of the Chilean university system.
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Paneles solares en UNAB.
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Programa: Clínica Jurídica UNAB.
Programa: Clínica Jurídica UNAB.